Good TV-opas, Hyvä TV-Guide

We call TV programmes by their names

The mission of TVGuido:

To tell you the language(s) in which programmes are broadcast, and their corresponding name(s)

  • Jos ohjelma tai tekstitys on suomenkielinen, ohjelmatiedot tulevat suomeksi.
  • Program på svenska, information på svenska.
  • If a programme is in English (or with English subtitles), the information is in English.
  • Les programmes en français décrits en français.
  • Wenn es läuft auf Deutsch ist das Fernsehprogramm auf Deutsch.
  • по русский = по русский
  • ...


Because language matters!

  • Are you learning Spanish? You might want to know which programmes come in that language...
  • Would you watch movies in a language you don't understand when you can't read the subtitles?
  • Are you a non-Finnish speaker in Finland? You can watch nearly all TV programmes but cannot read the TV guides... How weird is that?

    Because nobody calls Desperate Housewives "Täydelliset naiset"!

    So why should your TV programme do that?!


    It is actually very difficult to detect in what language programmes are shown. Finding the origin of a programme is often not enough as it may be dubbed. It may also be broadcast in more than one language through digital receivers (set-top boxes). Many totally unrelated programmes additionally come by the same name and it can be pretty impossible to disambiguate, in other words, to find out which one of them is actually coming up.

    So how do we do it? Here are some of TVGuido's ingredients:

    • Brain: yep, that's where it all started.
    • Artificial Intelligence: brain was not enough. We actually rely on Ph.D. level text data mining and natural language processing techniques that you really don't want to know about (and you won't, we promise).
    • Time: still, some errors may remain and everything needs to be carefully checked and fixed. We also need to do a lot of editorial work, describing some programmes, writing descriptions and reviews.
    • YOU: the most important ingredient! Some errors may always remain, and we are very grateful for your help in signaling them, fixing them, writing your own descriptions, making suggestions...

    Can I copy?

    Absolutely not! The data in TVGuido is far more than a compilation of tv listings and the corresponding descriptions as they are released by TV Channels (the ones you can read in every single online TV guide and newspaper).

    TVGuido contains A LOT of additional information and several other layers of in-house editorial work. It is therefore protected by copyright. For more information, please read the terms and conditions. For licensing options, you may reach us through the contact page.

    Can I help?

    Absolutely yes! There may always be inaccurate information and all we wish is to fix it. You are more than welcome to help us by using the feedback link at the bottom of every programme descriptions.

    You can can also help us by telling us how you feel and what you would like to see in TVGuido in the future through the contact page.

    What's next?

    TVGuido is under constant development. Features you should expect shortly are:
    1. Mobile version - a lighter version to use from your mobile device.
    2. Pictures - the description pages will contain images.
    3. Additional information for a few of our channels.

    You are more than welcome to influence our to-do list with your own requests: is there a channel that you'd like to find in TVGuido? Are there missing features that you'd want to see in your beloved tv-guide? Would you like heavier advertising? Let us know!

    Stay Tuned

    The best way to stay in touch with TVGuido's latest developments and features is to check out TVGuido's Facebook page.